Who we are
Small Beginnings
Our story began in a small way in 2017, when we acquired a dozen chickens and then a few pigs. Alyse grew up in a farming family, and Isaac also has farming in his blood, so after we got married, acquiring some animals seemed a natural step. Initially this was purely for our own enjoyment, and to provide for our own freezer.
Time for Growth
After moving to Malvern that idea grew. So in the midst of each studying a full-time degree and working part-time, we bought 3 little pigs. But we soon began to realise that our friends and neighbours were really interested in our farming venture and so the potential for a small business began. The pigs were shortly followed by a half a dozen sheep in 2019, and now from small beginnings we're back in Devon with over 100 sheep and 30 pigs!
Our Ethos
Our ethos has always centred on native breeds; rearing those animals designed to best thrive in our landscape in a sustainable but viable way.
As Christians, we want to farm in a sustainable way that is good for creation in all forms - both wild and tame. We aim to steward and tend our land and animals in a way that we believe we are called to - respecting and caring for all created life to enable it to flourish.